Post-Holiday Advertising During a Pandemic

People are no longer basking in the warming glow of twinkling holiday lights, and it’s back to pandemic reality. What's your advertising strategy?

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So the holidays were a nice distraction from the rest of 2020, right? For just a little while, you were probably able to focus on something normal and familiar: pushing holiday sales. While the way you pushed sales might have looked a little different in 2020 (especially if you have a brick-and-mortar business), the concept was the same: craft the perfect email, create a great ad for the perfect audience, get your product out the door, wash, rinse, repeat. Maybe you even read our tips on holiday advertising during COVID-19 and crushed your sales goal.

But now that the holidays are over, you’re probably scratching your head and wondering…

What comes next?

Awesome. Wow.

Now that people are no longer basking in the warming glow of twinkling holiday lights, it’s back to reality… and that reality is we’re still very much in the throes of a pandemic. What are your next steps as a business, and how do you tackle post-holiday advertising during a global pandemic? We’ve got a few ideas for you.

Encourage Self-Care

After a season of buying for other people, consumers are likely itching to treat themselves. Many people get holiday gifts in the form of cash, and guess what? That cash is going to be burning a hole in their pocket right about now. We are also almost a year into the coronavirus pandemic, and the fatigue is very real. If your business happens to be in the self-care space, lucky you — this is perfect timing to tailor your message toward the very real need for people to prioritize themselves and snag something special that’s just for them. If you aren’t in that space, think about your goals, and ask yourself: How can I encourage people to use my product/service in a way that speaks to their need for self-care?

Utilize Your Holiday Shopping Data

If your website is set up properly and you have proper tracking channels in place, you have been collecting all kinds of data goodies from your consumers throughout the holiday season. If it’s not, let us know — we can get you all set up for success in 2021!

All the data from those holiday orders, ad clicks, and browsing can now be utilized by targeting consumers based on their habits. Use your data to create personalized ads up-selling products that complement what people have already ordered, clicked on, or browsed for! Not sure how to make this happen? We offer paid advertising services that can help you get up and running.

Clean House

Got some extra inventory on hand? Now’s the time to show it to the door, so to speak. Get creative with the way you push any leftover holiday inventory. Our innovative client, Heidi Barr of The Kitchen Garden Series, managed to do this before the holidays by offering Black Friday “mystery boxes.” By taking some “misfit” items and overstock, Heidi managed to sell over $600 worth of products just from one well-timed email. People love a surprise, and Heidi proved this with her creativity and innovation.

Evoke Warm Fuzzy Holiday Feelings

The holidays are technically over, but that doesn’t mean that holiday feelings are over! The holiday season evokes all sorts of good feelings in people. Capture that feeling by celebrating other holidays throughout the year. Need a little January pick-me-up? Celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day on January 13th. When March rolls around and it’s still not warm, hold a National Cold Cuts Day sale on the 3rd. While you don’t have to hold sales and specials around these specific silly holidays, you can find plenty of things to commemorate throughout the year. Everyone loves a reason to celebrate, so find one that you can make fit with your business, and run with it!

Be Aware & Empathetic in Your Messaging/Imagery

The arrival of COVID-19 vaccines means that many people can see the light at the end of the tunnel — but that doesn’t mean that the pandemic is over or life is back to normal. The reality is that masks and social distancing will be part of our lives for a while yet. Many people have been and will continue to be greatly affected by the loss of their loved ones, their income, their businesses, etc. Now is not the time to pretend the pandemic doesn’t exist. On the contrary, it’s more important than ever to be empathetic and sensitive in your messaging! Continue to show imagery featuring masked employees and customers, and reassure people that you’re still adhering to proper social distancing and hygiene protocols.

Continue to Innovate

While many consumers will eagerly spend money, others will need more specific, thoughtful messaging to push them to purchase. These people have likely tuned out marketing efforts that were once new and exciting. Things that were considered innovative at the beginning of the pandemic (virtual events, curbside pickup, etc.) have now become commonplace and/or expected. Continue to be innovative in your marketing efforts to capture the attention and intrigue of your customers — don’t become white noise in your industry by doing the same things that your competitors are doing.

If you aren’t sure how to implement these ideas or simply don’t have enough time on your hands to do so, we can help! Whether you need assistance with strategies and messaging with paid advertising, e-mail marketing, analytics, or a comprehensive digital strategy, we want to help you succeed. Contact us for a free consultation to let us see if we’re a good fit for you and your business. Live long and profit!

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PPC Team standing outside by a building with their arms draped over a safety bar, L-R: Beth Ireland, Tess Little, and Lauren England