Business Analytics

Track your business successes and weaknesses

Turn Your Data into plans of action

Website analytics at the next level

discover the narrative of your website through data

Whether you’re using it or not, modern businesses generate massive amounts of data across a variety of tools. This data, when properly blended, visualized, and analyzed can provide a wealth of insights for your business strategy.

Making a practice of tracking and analyzing your data is no trivial task. Business and data analysts employ both statistical models and visualization tools to make sure you can see not only how one platform is performing for your business but how ALL platforms combined affect your business growth, and how to develop an actionable strategy.

Our customized analytics services will enable you to compare all of your marketing channels in one view, and analyze how each contributes to your bottom line results.

We won’t just drop you into a pre-architected solution and hope it meets your unique needs. We’ll take the time to get to know your business and goals, because our ultimate goal is to be your trusted analytics partner and to grow and evolve your business.

Dashboards: Not Just Monitoring Tools

Dashboards need to be useful and actionable, not just pretty and exciting — though they are that too! Any view of your company data should be tied to business goals; everything else is simply noise and clutter.

Below is an abbreviated list of excellent tools for data tracking and collection:

We’ll get to know your business and your existing tools to uncover historical data, as well as recommend additional opportunities to enhance data collection and bridge any knowledge gaps.

Trusted by Big Business

Tracking Success for Fortune 500s

We collect and analyze website data for Shaw Contract, a division of the largest commercial carpet manufacturer in the world. Their analytics goals are geared towards making the website more usable for their own staff and expanding their organic online reach to new customers globally. 


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Reach out and find out how we can help.

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