Category: PPC Strategy

Digital Marketing Knowledge Base

an illustration of customers

Crash Course in Demand Gen Campaigns in Google Ads

With Demand Gen, finding the right person to show your ad to is just the tip of the iceberg. Now it’s about speaking to that right person in a language they understand, at a time when they are most receptive.

What Google Isn’t Telling You

Google Ads is an incredible resource for getting your business seen, but here’s what you don’t know. There are multiple automations that Google will opt your campaign into to “improve performance,” but these may not be aligned with your budget or goals.

Small group of business people sitting around a conference table with one man standing up presenting with a projector screen

Do you need a PPC agency that specializes in your industry?

Choosing the right PPC agency comes down to many factors. One decision you need to make is whether you need to work with a PPC agency that specializes in your industry or whether a general PPC agency might be the right fit.

marketing funnel diagram

Secrets of a Supercharged Performance Max Audience

Proper campaign structure is central to success. Too many signals, lumping assets together, and conflating audiences within a single group will be the downfall of an otherwise solid campaign.

Geotargeting map

Geotargeting vs. Geofencing

What’s the difference between geotargeting and geofencing? Find out when you need to use these distinct targeting strategies in your campaigns.

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