How to Set Up LinkedIn Conversation Ads

Conversation ads are a great way to reach out to potential clients in a personal way that promotes engagement with your ad and website. What's the best set up?

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LinkedIn added personalized messaging as an ad format – conversation ads. Conversation ads are a great way to reach out to potential clients in a personal way that promotes engagement with your ad and website. So, how do you optimally set up a conversation ad? 

Creating Content

For your conversation ad, you want to have well defined content that is easy to interact with. Figure out what your user is looking for. What is the information that is the most vital and relevant to the action you are trying to get them to take? Find key points that quickly inform your audience about your product or service, ask questions, and use CTAs that will drive traffic to your website or encourage a lead form to be filled out. 

Format your content

When in doubt, follow this simple formula:



Call to Action

Picking Your Objective

You should create a campaign and choose your objective depending on the specific goals of your business or offered service. To optimally use a conversation ad, I would suggest lead generation or website visits so that you are able to push some type of action such as getting a lead form filled out or attracting a new user to your website.

Define your audience, and set up your conversation ad:

  1. To set up the ad, simply choose ‘conversation ad’ under ad format.
  2. After you’ve chosen your ad format, pick the sender. You can choose the LinkedIn profile that will be the sender in the conversation ad.

  3. After you’ve chosen who will send the message, you can start creating your content. LinkedIn offers templates that coincide with the specific goals of your campaign.

  4. Once you’ve chosen your template, you can add 3 – 5 messages to send to your user. These start with an introductory message, lead into a question, and then end with a call to action.

Conversation ads are an extremely effective way to drive traffic to your website and engage with your audience. If you’re interested in learning more about conversation ads, LinkedIn Business provides plenty of free resources on best practices and tips to fully optimize your conversation ads. 

LinkedIn Best Practices Guide PDF

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